
About The Vaad

The West Coast Vaad Hachesed assists approximately 1,500  Solicitors annually by researching their particular level of need and / or indigency, independently establishing the legitimacy of their religious cause or personal indigency, and thereby providing them with a certificate that would entitle them to collect funds from local philanthropists. Where applicable, the organization utilizes an international database to verify their credentials and also exercises its own independent due diligence to ascertain the accuracy and legitimacy of their particular cause. The Internal Revenue Service reviewed our operations directly and concurred with the legality of our approach while simultaneously recognizing the immense service that we are providing to the community.


While every major city with a large Orthodox Jewish population has a Vaad to perform this function. The Los Angeles Vaad distinguishes itself by enabling local donors to contribute directly to the organization so that local philanthropists could receive a charitable tax deduction under IRC 170(a) for contributions made to exempt organizations that qualify under IRC 501(c)(3). Historically, the Vaad has distributed over $3,500,000 annually via tens of thousands of small donations.



01. Private and safe

Donations may be completed via smartphone or PC. Donors may elect complete discretion whether to reveal the amount of the donation to a solicitor. Donations can be completed with appropriate social distancing and may even occur over an intercom or through a closed door.

02. Professional

Accountability, Accuracy, Reliability, and Dependability standards ensure that solicitors are treated consistently with dignity and respect. Because the Vaad does not accept checks from donors, solicitors have the security that the funds they collect will be remitted entirely to them.

03. efficient

The ease and comfort of the Vaad’s platform allows Donors to contribute quickly, securely, and in a tax efficient manner because the Organization provides one cumulative recent for the entire year’s donations.

Our Team

Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Schwartz


Rabbi Tzvi Haber

Director Of Development

Yosef Y. Manela, Esq, CPA

Acting President

Our Team

Run By Professionals

Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Schwartz


Rabbi Tzvi Haber

Director Of Development

Yosef Y. Manela, Esq, CPA

Acting President

More about us

What We Do

We are a California Religious Non Profit Corporation registered as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Our organization’s programs include serving  the needs of the greater Los Angeles Jewish Community by reviewing, facilitating, authenticating, and promoting the dire needs of Orthodox Jewish indigents and religious organizations throughout the world; thereby encouraging philanthropic involvement.

Contributions made to our organization only for any such previously identified need will qualify as a tax deductible contribution under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

We encourage you to sign up via the link below, which will enable you to safely and securely donate and track your donations to any of our various programs.

Get In Touch

7220 Beverly Blvd Suite 208, Los Angeles CA 90036
